Have you ever tried to emulate someone you really admire? “If I could only be just like them,” you might say to yourself, “I would have an ideal life.” But even after becoming the closest clone you can, you never reach their level of success. Well, my lovely Kurlies, I’ve figured out why.

What exactly is je ne sais quoi? I’m glad you asked ? . It’s that intangible quality that makes someone distinctive or attractive. Think of it as an exotic perfume you’re just born with; and no two people have the same scent.

Have you ever tried on a friend’s perfume that smells glorious on her, but like Grandma No. 5 on you? There’s nothing wrong with you per se. Your body just has a different reaction to her fragrance.


The same can be said when we try to mimic people in an unauthentic way. You can wear what they wear and act how they act, but if it’s not a true representation of your inner self, you will never be as successful as them. And that’s a real shame because you’re capable of so much more.


lana boone of kurly klips


I can speak on this frankly because I’ve been struggling with it myself. You see, I’ve never considered myself to be a beauty girl. I generally never wear makeup, I don’t follow fashion trends, and I’ve never been particularly good at doing my hair. I created Kurly Klips after failing to find clip-in hair extensions for my natural tresses. A journalist by trade, owning my own company never once occurred to me…

Until that fateful day when a stylist destroyed my hair, and in doing so, sparked an idea that would change my life.


Kurly Klips vintage poster


After accepting this unique blessing to start my own business, I felt overwhelming pressure to be like the hair and beauty gurus I admired online. If I could just mimic what makes them special, I would provide amazing value to my customers, and Kurly Klips would thrive. The catch? It was ultimately unsustainable. How is a girl, who is honestly happy wearing her hair the same way 6 months out of the year, going to continuously offer hair tutorials on a weekly basis?

I’ve now come to realize that I don’t have to be a hair and makeup guru to offer value to my customers. Along with offering an amazing product and customer service experience, I can offer something much more valuable by sticking with my own signature scent, the one God blessed me with.


Hi, I’m Lana. Your Inner Beauty Guru. 



I’m proud to say I’ve rediscovered my je ne sais quoi. Here’s what’s helped me. Hopefully it will assist you with bottling your own as well:


Kurly Klips DC U street


Who are you?

Brainstorm a list of adjectives that your higher self connects to. Don’t pick words you think are merely socially acceptable to say. Choose things that feel aligned with your best self. For me these words are nerdy, gracious, intense, silly, and courageous among others. What are words that resonate with you? Take a brief moment and write them down.

What do you enjoy?

Write down a list of activities that bring you pure joy. For me, that’s reading, discovering new places, watching foreign films, dancing, exercising, engaging with friends. What do you like to do?

This is a no. flex. zone.

So don’t worry about whether you think it’s silly. If you enjoy it, put it down on paper.

How do you like to express yourself?

We have so much inside us, how do you get it all out? Personally, I like to write; but if you’re not sure, try different things until you stumble across an activity that feels right. Whether it’s painting, cooking, or editing videos, you’ll know you’ve found your favorite mode of expression when you keep coming back to it to recharge.



After you’re satisfied with what you’ve come up with, relish in your answers. It shouldn’t be hard to do because you’re only embracing the things you like about yourself: those inner qualities that make you GREAT. Success will follow easily because you’re living as your best self now. Remember, it’s not until you love both yourself and your life that amazingly positive external change will occur.


TL;DR Your je ne sais quoi = the relationship you have with yourself. By connecting with who you are, what you enjoy doing, and how you love expressing yourself, you will emit an unforgettable signature scent.


As for yours truly, expect even better things from Kurly Klips this second half of the year. And if this blog post inspired you, be sure to tell a friend who might need a little encouragement as well. Together we grow.


Thanks for reading! And if you want to chat, leave a comment. I looovvveee hearing from you!!!
