What do I love best about Spring? Hope. The flowers and trees suddenly bursting with life remind me that fresh starts are possible, even if your soul has felt barren for a while. In this installment of BossLady files, we talk about winter funks and clean beginnings.


Lana Boone Kurly Klips Union Market DC


Unmotivated, disinterested, disappointed, COLD: these are all common feelings that a long winter can bring out in me. But why is it so hard to shake? The answer: stories. I am totally guilty of growing content with the woe is me, just call me Eeyore stories I tell myself in winter. Winter is my excuse to give up a little on the inside.

And the worst part? This funk impacts everything in life: from relationships, to professional and personal development. It forces your dreams to hibernate, which makes them even harder to attain. But there’s good news! Ridding yourself of this funk isn’t as hard as you might think.

How are these two stories different?


Lana Boone Kurly Klips Union Market DC 2


Story 1

I got bad grades in school and I’m stupid. I mess everything up.

Story 2

Yes, I received poor grades in school, but doing so taught me how to better manage my time. As a result, I’m a much more disciplined person and this has had an overall positive impact on my life.


Now, repeat Story 1 to yourself and do the same for Story 2. Which story lifts you up and builds your confidence? Which story has an amazing future? Remember, your self-perception is nothing but a collection of stories you tell yourself. Change your story. Change your perception. Change your life.

Spring is here. Let your words plant the nourishing seeds your soul needs.


Love you!!!


Hair credits: Kurly Klips clip-in extensions for natural hair, Bobcat Fro Collection.
