Customer Corner is a section of our blog where our customers chat and share tips about Kurly Klips. We hope you find this feature helpful whether you own or are thinking about owning our luscious sets of hair ♥


What's your name and where are you from?

Shadee from Portland, OR. I actually just moved to Portland from Minneapolis, MN; so my hair is getting used to a new environment.


Which Kurly Klips collection/length do you own?

I started with one set of the Shoulder Chic Fro.  I'm ordering the Black Mermaid Fro today, which I'm excited about because I'll be able to fully cover my hair.


How do you like to wear your Kurly Klips?

I wear my Kurly Klips daily, during the week and then take a break on the weekends.  I wear leave out in the front and a little bit of leave out along my earline and in the back.  I do this to fill in the one set a little bit. 


Any care tips or product suggestions?

I would say that it helps to have an established routine of caring for your own natural hair before tackling these.  Which is not to say that you can't be a newbie to being natural; I am, for the most part.  Having these just ups the maintenance, which makes  sense because it's more hair.  I look at it as a preview of what it will be like to care for my hair when it's eventually longer. 

I love the Moroccan Oil products, though they can be a little pricey.  Right now I'm loving the Intense Hydrating Mask and the Intense Curl Cream.  Also, I like the L'Oreal EverCurl System; the leave-in is great.

Last tip: in my leave out, on the sides and back, I make it into smaller twists.  They blend really well with the Kurly Klips and the funny things is that sometimes I can't tell the difference between my twists and the Kurly Klips.


What do you love about your Kurly Klips the most?

I get a ton of compliments and funny enough, more loooong looks from all kinds of people.  They blend so well with my natural hair that it is almost impossible to tell that it's not all mine.  Even when a clip or two is slightly visible it just looks like I  have a bobby pin in.  These really are the best.  

In fact, a couple of weeks ago I got stopped, on the street, by a girl who complimented me on my hair and asked me how long I'd been natural!  I immediately told her my "secret".  She said that she had just started to transition and had all kinds of questions  about being natural.  We exchanged info and later I emailed her the info about Kurly Klips.  I love "paying it forward" as I've learned about how to be natural.  When I first moved to Portland, I excitedly went up to a girl at a bar and asked her about her  natural hair.  She barely looked up from her phone at me and gave me a few short answers that screamed "here, now get away from me".  I thought it was soooo rude.  Glad I was raised to treat people well.

Thanks, Lana.  Looking forward to diving into the My Spiral Collection in the future! I'm hooked!  :P



Thank YOU, Shadee for being such a wonderful role model for naturalistas. Paying it forward is how we progress as a community. Love you, girl! -Lana

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