How many times have you wanted to obliterate your alarm clock? “Just five more minuuuttteess,” you plead to your sensible self, knowing good and well you could use another hour… or six. Trust me, I’ve been in your predicament, and sometimes, life just can’t wait.




Recently, however, I’ve been taking my sleep more seriously. Why? Germs. Call me crazy, but I swear I always catch a cold after nights my bedside turns into a Netflix rager and/or a cumfy substitute for my office.

So in this video, I show you some tips for getting Mr. Sandman to treat you less like a booty call, and more like the beautiful queen of sleep you are. All it takes is a little self love.

Enjoy the video and be sure to share some of your tips for getting out bed.

Hair credits: Kurly Klips clip-in extensions for natural hair in the Mermaid Spirals collection.


Love you!!!


PS Kurly Klips recommends that you remove your clip-ins before you hit the sack. We just kept them in for the sake of cuteness in this video. 
